Ask the Coach

Thought it would be fun to open this up to questions about running, racing, training, nutrition, or any other topics people might be interested.

Comment here & I’ll pick up to 10 to answer in a blog post next week!

Fire away 🙂

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  1. I have two kids how can I lose the baby weight? Dont have access to a gym, or how can I get in shape 4 moving? Thanks 🙂

    1. I have to ask a couple of questions before I can answer: what time do you have to devote to exercise? What have you been doing lately? Can you involve your kids at all (not sure their ages: if they are older, they could bike, for example)? Let me know!

  2. Hi Nichole! I have so many questions! But the one that's been on my mind most as of late is this: How do you adjust your strength training when you up your mileage during a marathon training block? I'm currently doing Body Pump/lifting 3x a week (Tues, Thurs, and Sun) in addition to just easy base mileage of 40-50mpw. I've been able to up my weight in class and can definitely feel in during my weekly runs, but since I'm not really doing much intensity-wise on the running front, it's been fine. I'm nervous as to how to adjust when I head into my next 16-18 week training block for my fall marathon – should I lift lighter but keep up the 3x a week sessions? Cut the weight on the legs portions (squats, lunges)? Drop to taking the class 2x a week or 1x week instead but keep the weights heavy? I don't want my legs to be dead for key workouts and mileage that will climb to 80-90mpw, but do feel like the strength work is important to support my bones and keep me healthy (my family has a history of osteoporosis – both my mom and grandmother). Thoughts? This is fun – thanks for opening up for questions!

  3. I'd like to know about the taper part of marathon training: what to expect, how to eat, what to do, how to manage, etc.

  4. Hi Nichole,
    Thanks for the great blog! I find it fun and motivating. My question pertains to nordic skiing which I know you have dabbled in and your husband excels at. I'm always looking for skiing oriented workouts to do during the summer, and have found that rowing machine seems to really target the glutes that you use for hill climbing in freestyle skiing. Do you think rowing machine workouts translate well to skiing, and if so how much rowing might one do relative to other strength / cardio / rollerskiing workouts? Thanks in advance for any input that you (and your husband) can provide!

  5. Best strenght workouts for marathon training or running in general. I am looking for a easy, and quick (under 20 minutes) routine to do consistantly.

  6. This is a pregnancy/running question. After the baby is born, what are your goals/dreams esp. the first two months? If you had a c-section that complicates things of course but what are your thoughts (ps update your pregnancy blog please)

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