Packing and Prepping
It’s exciting around here!
I’ve started to set aside things for the race (also made a long checklist, I love making lists & crossing things off :)). Here are a few highlights:
Yumm, Carb BOOM! |
I was lucky enough to get bottle service on the course – think I’m in the 38th position, and they had room for 40. Yikes! There are 50 total women racing. I haven’t double checked the list, but I’m pretty sure that when I looked at qualifying times that there were only a handful that were slower than mine… but maybe I missed a few (hopefully!). I’m pumped just because it makes it so much easier to get gels out on the course where you need it. I typically eat a lot during the marathon, so the thought of carrying 5 or so along with me is a little daunting (I’m sure I’d find a way if I had to, though!). So — I’ve laid them out like I typically do and will mark them for when I’d like to take them. Nothing scientific about it, other than: spread out caffeine, take in approximate amount/time as at the Trials.
Race Info stuff:
I found out I’m rooming with Devon Crosby-Helms, a super accomplished ultra-runner (and very speedy marathoner). I’m so excited! She’s a little banged up at the moment so isn’t sure she’ll be racing… selfishly, I hope she does so I can meet her! Plus, I would love to pick her brain on how to transition my current training into training for an ultra (I’m considering doing the road 50k (US Championships) next spring). Second plus, I just feel like she is a cool person & someone I would really get along with. Weird to say, since I’ve only read a little of her blog…
(watch me regret saying this…)
They’ve also been in touch with us regarding transportation, race uniform stuff (need to measure my logos… ug). I’m especially thankful for all the help with logistics!
Very cool article on NYC/tips by Ryan Hall here.
Wish I could say I’m flying through workouts right now, but that hasn’t come yet. I need to shake that expectation out of my head… just because it happened before Grandma’s last year doesn’t mean it will happen again (in fact, it hasn’t…). I just vividly remember the feeling
But, I would like to be a little faster at this point. This week I’ve been fighting a head cold (I don’t really get “really” sick anymore), so hopefully that’s zapped the legs and lungs a bit and that’s what I’m feeling. Oh well — still 9 days to go — and really, the legs don’t need to be there until then! Today was my last longer workout, 3×10 minutes at tempo. I went out in the morning with Craig.
Times: 6:08 average for the first one (6:00 for first mile, then 6:23 pace for last 4 mins! Yikes!)
6:06 pace for second one
5:50 pace for last one
(out and back on Sechler trail – first one was all into wind, 2nd was half/half, 3rd was with wind)
(again, hmm, would hope these would be faster, but it wasn’t for lack of effort! Blame it on the cold)
Now, it’s REALLY time to taper!
Just Food is offering 5% off on Saturday (Northfielders, I expect to see you there!), so I’m definitely hitting them up for this last week’s worth of food. Yumm, whole wheat tortillas and organic fruit. I may splurge for some of their salmon or beef – I’ve never tried wild salmon or grass fed beef before (been afraid of the price), but I figure if not now… when? Any other fun ideas for super nutrient get-my-legs-feeling-super-springy recipes or food? 🙂
I’m trying to get as much done tonight and this weekend so next week won’t be as crazy. Budgeting season is almost done, thank goodness… my brain can’t handle much more. If I had to do things all over again, I would definitely have managed stress/hours a little better, I know that was a contributing factor to the overall-tiredness this last month.
So, with that… time to put in a few good hours of work yet this evening.
Please please PLEASE get a photo of you standing next to Devon. She's 13 inches taller than you – then you can title a post "NYC: The Long and the Short of It."
Hahahaha – REALLY? Wow…
But yes, Steve, I'll try to snag a picture just for you 🙂