Pain free run, swelling free evening. YEAH!!!!
There are 8 weeks and a couple days left to TCM. It’s crazy how fast time goes by! I can tell I’m stronger for this cycle, this week will be my second 80 mile week of this cycle (vs. only one during the entire cycle for Fargo). I’ve held up pretty good, but training at…
So… the version done to flip baby didn’t work :(. I had prepared myself to endure whatever the doctors wanted to put me though (marathon/training mental prep works for other things as well!), but with no avail. It was painful, I’ll give it that, but not as bad as it could have been. I was…
This probably goes down as one of my more adventurous weeks of motherhood. First, bundling up Greta for a stroller ride when air temps are -2 is a big deal (and windchills in the -30s). How do we do it? First: three outfits, the last last of which is a HUGE monkey suit. It’s funny…
It’s amazing what a little bug will take out of you. I tried running on Tuesday and the first few miles felt horrible. I felt like I was totally out of shape — breathing harder, heart rate higher. I was able to go 7 miles, averaging 8:03, which I guess isn’t too bad. My legs…
Last night before my PM run (first double! Yes!) I just decided: I was going to cross train tomorrow instead of attempting the speed workout as had been written. No matter if the PM run went fine, it was pain free, etc. Jerry’s goal for me is to get back to running every day. So,…
Before I finish a training recap (long overdue!), I wanted to re-share this message I received yesterday from someone I worked with 10+ years ago.: “So totally random… I wanted to tell you is that you were in my dream last night. You ran to my house and when you came in you asked me…