2:44.46 – Olympic Trials, Here I come!!

More to come later, but I at least wanted to post my results here since I ran with a last minute new chip/number that hasn’t been registered to my name :). I’m currently listed in the results as “Unknown” πŸ™‚

But, more to come later once I’ve had time to digest. I’m sure it’ll be a series of blogs, just to make sure I capture all of the little details. It helps a ton to be able to read afterward to see what I did that worked/didn’t work πŸ™‚

But in the meantime, I’m ecstatic! 2:44?!?! I sort of knew that was a possibility, but to actually be able to call myself a 2:44 marathoner and an Olympic Trials Qualifier?!?!!!… it doesn’t seem real. πŸ™‚

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  1. Awesome! I heard you ran 2:44, but then didn't see your name in the results, so I didn't know what to believe.

    Maybe now you're up for an interview?


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