A Few Spots Still Open for Training Camp!

Looking to join a group of fun and motivated runners for the weekend of May 16th? There are a few more openings at the TNC Endurance Running Retreat, and we would love to have you join us!! The more, the merrier!

Camp highlights:
Food!: Meals will be planned by The Planted Plate, ensuring wholesome, well-rounded healthy athlete-focused meals. We will cook together as a group, which should add to the entertainment value :). 
Workouts: There will be one hard workout: tempo, speed, or threshold depending on your race schedule, current fitness, and goals; two shake-out runs or cross training sessions, and one long run. All done on the beautiful rolling roads and trails near Hawyard, WI!
Training during the camp will be custom to your fitness, race date and distance. Easy runs and long run workouts will be done as a group with different distances and paces, doubling back to regroup, etc. We will all work off of each other for the hard workout (Saturday mid-day workout). 
Make sure to bring a good set of lungs for the workout, a second pair for cheering on those around you, and a good amount of high-fives and smiles for that post workout exhaustion (and satisfaction-smiles from a workout well-done!)!!
Competition:  There will be a body weight strength competition during the camp, with *valuable* prizes! Have you been doing your push-ups and sit-ups after every run??? 🙂
Can I emphasize that this will be a *fun* (and challenging) camp? 🙂

Cost: $150, which covers coaching, lodging, and food for the entire weekend. 
Camp sponsors include: The Planted Plate, Generation UCAN, Nutrilite, Seven Sundays Muesli!!! (Lucky us!)

Please contact me before May 2nd to RSVP and hold your spot at the camp![email protected]

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