T minus 2 days: Life updates – and most importantly delivery, baby, and post-partum plans!

Wow, where to start?
The house is really starting to take shape. They started framing 2 weeks ago and are now putting up the roof. It’s such a dream come true. I walk through the house and stare out the “windows” and just take in the beauty of the view. I can’t wait to move in and start filling this new house with memories of our growing little family!!!
Yay, framing!
About 2 weeks ago a couple of coworkers and I were talking about the house. They asked if we were doing white enameled trim, doors, and cabinets. I said we were, with a few exceptions (some bathrooms, kitchen island, fireplace cabinets). They just said, “hmm… with two young kids…”

Which got me to thinking about our color selections through the house. On the one hand, I love the look of white. On the other hand, I realized that it would likely get nicked up over time and also easily discolored in high traffic areas.

We (well, me, actually) eventually decided to go with a rich wood stain throughout the house instead. Honestly, once we made the decision and went back to change some of our selections to match — it just felt “right”.  YAY!

Trying to pick granite colors.SO. MANY. DECISIONS.


Running has been pretty much non-existent these days.

Jerry’s plan for me ran out several weeks ago, but that was the same week I came down with the flu. I decided to repeat the week that I missed, but that didn’t exactly happen because of the extreme sleepiness that followed the flu.

After that, I just didn’t have a desire to run much – so I didn’t! I was also getting so big (see pictures below) that it just seemed awkward to be trying to run.

The above picture was of a 3.25 mile run/walk at 37 weeks. I think I’ll run a 5k the day before baby is due to arrive, just like I did with Greta, but that honestly is it!

I just got a reply email from Jerry that I’m to take 2 weeks totally off after baby and we’ll talk after that. I know I tried to comeback way too soon after Greta, so I’m going to try to take is slower this time around. Again, I know my entire world will be turned around in those two weeks, but I am really, REALLY looking forward to getting after it again! And – honestly – to train again under Jerry. I look up to him so much & look forward to his guidance.

Not much lap room left!

So… drum roll please! Total mileage for this pregnancy: 1856.7!


Nate, Greta and I went out to cheer at the Twin Cities Marathon this Sunday. It was an absolute PERFECT day for a marathon. Which was great for the runners, but made it even harder for me to be on the sidelines. On those windy, rainy or totally hot and humid days it’s easy to watch a marathon and be thankful you’re on the curb :).

The cow suits are the best thing to cheer in. First, most of the people we know have an eye out for them. Second, they are so easy to “spot” in a crowd!
Grandma found Greta’s suit at a garage sale. It is absolutely adorable.

Can she just stay this little and cute forever?

The guy in the pink arm warmers is Leighton, my cousin, who debuted in the marathon in 2:35. WOW! I am so proud of him.

It was fun to watch as he just ran effortlessly and with a huge smile on his face the entire time (well, I didn’t see him the last 5k…)! Maybe we share some marathoning genetics? 🙂

Other results: Jim ran exactly what he was hoping to in the 10 mile, Marco PR’d in 2:46, Kim from Northfield finished 8th for women in 2:51, and Jen gutted through a really tough race to finish – when it would have been very easy to step off the course. What an awesome day!!

And – of course! BABY!
Baby is scheduled to arrive via C-section this Friday morning. I cannot wait to meet it! I was given the option of a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section) or a repeat C-section. Part of me really wanted to try a VBAC – just so I could experience labor. I also wanted to try an unmedicated birth.

It’s not a cute basketball anymore – more like this mass of a planet attached to my front.

But, I also didn’t want to try a VBAC and tear or do any irreparable damage. My mom gave birth to a 9 lb. baby (my brother) and still has issues when trying to exercise… not okay in my book. After much deliberation, my OB and I decided to schedule a C-section at 39 weeks. If I went into labor naturally before that, great! If not, then we thought a C-section would be best since baby would only get bigger and bigger after that 39-week mark!
So — this Friday it is! I woke up early this morning and couldn’t get back to bed. I was as nervous as I usually am for a big race! And… it’s only Wednesday. Hopefully I can calm the nerves and take advantage of the opportunity to rest and lay-low the next day and a half!
Post-Partum and Bipolar
Life is going so darn well right now that it’s hard for me to be 100% excited for the very-little-newborn stage and the sleeplessness and change that it will bring. I know that I am not good at staying at home all day (even if I try to find something each day to get out and do!), so am a bit worried about my 6 week maternity leave. I also know that I’m at risk of a bipolar episode in the post-partum period.
I am not too worried about falling down the hole that I did 2 years ago, since I know the signs and symptoms — and there are also a lot of people around me that also know what to look for. But, I know I need to be diligent during those first 6 weeks!
So, I have two big plans in place: Bipolar plans: I have been off of lithium since I found out I was pregnant. I haven’t had any swings, either way, the entire pregnancy, so that has been great! We are most concerned about the hormone increase that occurs when I stop breastfeeding.
One option was for me to formula feed from day 1 and go right back on lithium (lithium is passed through milk). But, breastfeeding is too important to me, so instead:
I’ll try breastfeeding (which will keep my hormone levels low) and if it goes well to continue for the 1st 3 months. At that point I’ll start taking lithium and start pumping and dumping. That way my body will think I’m still breastfeeding so hormone levels won’t change. Once the lithium levels in my blood reach the therapeutic level (.8 to 1.2), I’ll then stop pumping. Hopefully then any bipolar swing that might happen at the end of breastfeeding will be prevented, or at least muted, by medication.
And – therapist plans: I also have committed to going to my therapist every 2 weeks after baby is born. I am NOT excited about this, but again, know I need to be diligent about this time period.
So, there it is, folks! This sounds like a big downer of a topic, doesn’t it? I don’t mean for it to sound that way! But it’s very true: on the one hand I am sooooo excited to meet baby, but on the other hand I’m scared of the unknown, especially so since of my experiences last time.
I really need to end this post!
I’m sure there are a million other things I should be doing instead of writing a super long post (like sleeping), so I’ll end this here. Stay tuned for a post sometime this weekend (or a FB/Instagram/Twitter update sooner than that!) on baby!!!!

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One Comment

  1. I don't think this is a downer at all. This is a mom with a serious condition doing EXACTLY what she's supposed to – planning carefully to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as possible. Good for you!

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