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Still healing
All this running takes a toll on your body! I think Sunday’s run in the rain/wet socks is what really did me in. I chaffed on the inside of my thighs (hate it when that happens) and my feet blistered up pretty bad. Since that run, I’ve had to tape up my feet and thighs…

Bi-Polar Medication Dilemma…
As y’all are probably aware, I am bi-polar. I still dislike saying that. I wonder if I’ll ever truly become comfortable with it. Who knows. Anyway, y’all are also probably aware that symptoms didn’t show up until after Greta was born. I probably had symptoms prior to that, but it’s hard to discern what is…

Mesa hates the taper!
Mesa is not a happy camper. She hasn’t been run much lately since a lot of my doubles have now been cut out (she probably ran upwards of 50 mpw during my high mileage weeks). So… to use up that pent up energy, she has escaped from the house on two occassions only to come…
It’s so cold and miserable out! Hope I can muster the dedication to stick to the plan (today is supposed to be 10-12 400s)… there’s nothing easier than staying in and skipping workouts than weather like this :(. One cool thing that happened yesterday: Gu sent me an entire bag of energy gels and chews!!!…
What a breakthrough week for me. 1 minute last Sunday. 11 minutes this Sunday. YES. The first 5 minutes didn’t feel great. Residual pain (not sharp, like before) with most steps. I stretched for a while afterwards. Then decided to run for another minute or two to see how it felt after stretching. It actually…
5K this weekend
I’m getting pretty excited to race this weekend! I don’t race often during a training cycle, so it’s a real treat when I get to look forward to one. First, let’s revisit the goals I laid out for myself back in November of 2010. I haven’t raced nearly as often as I laid out here,…