Motivation Monday – Remember Why You Started

I often get asked, “How did you stick with it?” [Referring to the craziness that was my corporate finance life, training 80-100 mpw, with a long commute]
The answer was, and still is, simple: I want it. I wake up every day and truly want it. I want to prove to myself that I am capable. That I am strong. That I can do something impossible.
At a lot of the presentations I give, I hear so many people say that they’ve tried a million times to start exercising, eating healthier, losing weight, to stop smoking or another bad habit… the list of resolutions is endless. How will this time be any different?
My advice? Spend some time to define your true goal and what motivates you to get there. Can you find a motivation or multiple reasons in you that is so strong that you’re willing to trudge through a hundred bad days before you start seeing progress? That even on the 100th bad day, you’ll still wake up and still just want that goal?
Define why you want to start, so that when the days and the journey get tough, you can remember why you started. 
What’s your motivation? What keeps you going?

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