First Specific Strength Workout

I went out with Nate last week to attempt my first specific strength workout. By the time we were home & ready to go out, it was pitch black out (so sad!). Not ideal, but I just strapped on a head lamp.

We skied partway down the long hill outside our house. There, Nate explained everything: 6x single stick reps, 6x double pole, 6x legs only. Different #s of strokes per type of repeat. We started the first single stick rep together. WOW. He goes at LEAST 2 times, if not 3 times, as far as me with each hit.

Next was double pole reps. I asked Nate at the end of these if I was doing them right. I wasn’t completely exhausted — was I supposed to be? He explained that I should be feeling like I had just gone to the gym & lifted for a while. Hmm. Guess that makes sense (and fits with the name of the workout – specific strength), but I was expecting some monster hard lung workout as well. I had always pictured it that way, I guess, so I was glad he was there to tell me that I wasn’t doing something totally wrong.

Last was no pole skate. I felt completely awkward and uncoordinated on this one. I hate that feeling. I think that’s why I like running — I know exactly how to do it, how fast to go when, etc. I tried to focus on just pushing off as hard as I could (sounds easy, eh?), but I feel like I looked like I was trying to do 20 different things at once — trying to do a lot and getting nothing done. Glad Nate did his in front of me so he wasn’t able to watch! Each one I got a little farther, but I still have a lot to work on here.

Skiing home I actually felt like I had made significant strides in my skiing. Even though this workout is uncomfortable for me, I should get out once a week and make theis workout a priority. The no pole skate drills will especially help, since I tend not to use my legs like I should.

Exciting to have learned something new on skis!!

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