I love tapering :)

My legs are coming around at the exact right time. I am SOO lucky!!

Today’s workout was just downright fun :). I joined the Carleton women for some tempo on the track – their workout was tempo miles, mine was 3×2 miles at tempo, with the rough goal for tempo at 5:50 (but main goal to go on feel). So, it was nice to weave in and out of each other’s repeats — taking some of the monotony out of the workout.

Because I was on a track, I tried to focus on my form, the way the pace felt, etc. in hopes to settle into a consistent tempo pace. It didn’t come easy. The first mile I cruised through, not breathing, in 5:41. Next mile was just below 5:50. The Carleton women I was running with quickly decided to drop off from me (didn’t help that I brought them through their first mile in sub 5:45 when their goal paces were 6:00 and 6:05… oops!!!).

The next reps were about the same — miles ranging right around 5:48 or so. Some were faster (5:45), some slower (5:50), but the range wasn’t big.

The best part? I wasn’t hardly working. My strides felt light, powerful and effortless. I could just feel that I was fast :). Oh, how I LOVE this feeling!!! It also makes me excited to think that I could pull off a big PR next week :). Let’s hope!

Aside: At this point in my Grandma’s training, I was fighting what I think was heat exhaustion. I came back from a Monday run and felt sick and had the chills. My tempo paces dropped to 6:10s and slower during this same week back in June. My calves cramped up the Monday and Wednesday before the race. SOOO – note to self: I am carrying around a water bottle with me at ALL times between now and next Saturday. I can obviously improve on that taper experience a bit :). Just need to stay healthy as well!!!

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