12:34 2 mile

Getting better. This one was a little tougher. Last time I did this I had done it after a day of cross training. I think that made it a little easier. Today was done after yesterday’s “long run” of 5 miles. My legs honestly had no strength left in them the last mile tonight. C’mon – turn over! You can do it! But… the good news is that I am getting stronger (total of 9 miles yesterday and today) and slightly faster. Yeah.

I have to say, I really wanted to stop and walk at 1.5 miles. I wasn’t feeling great. But then I thought about it: Then I’d have to post that on my blog. Only 2 workouts into the new training cycle and I’m thinking about giving up? Pathetic. Has this time off made me soft? So, thanks to those of you that are reading this. Keeps me going & keeps me honest 🙂

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