Adjustment Needed
My hip has been bothering me more each day. I’m going in tomorrow mid-day to get adjusted… hope it helps, and quick! Today’s run was cut to just 2 miles; I walked the last 1/2 mile to home. Not good…
2 weeks in review: Week 18, the start of the Fargo Marathon cycle: Goal: 80-85 miles with 1 day off Actual: 80 miles, 1 day off. 2 “workouts” on Treadmill: 5 miles progressively faster inside a 10 mile run, and 5 miles hard hill segment at end of a 19 miler. I had that good…
There will be a long post in the next couple of days… but until then…a few pictures and results 🙂 Team Nichole showed up in full force, including my parents! My brother and husband also did the marathon (their first!). I finished in 2:50 something. Good enough to win the race, but I really would…
Homemade Taco Seasoning with no MSG or additives. Super easy to put together, 100% natural, low sodium (vs. the 300 mg you’ll find in one serving of the packaged stuff) and delicious. I usually make a quadruple batch and store leftovers! Ingredients: 1 Tbsp chili powder 1/4 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/8…
Weeks 14-15: Actually training again! Plus, baby’s first win! The great: I’m feeling so much more normal now! In terms of training, Chris is now allowing me to do a little more, both in terms of mileage and intensity. I had my first “harder” workout Thursday, which was ~9 miles, taking the hills hard, downhills…
At mile 25 or 25.5 – can’t wait to finish! Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking… it’s about time :). I have been so unbelievably busy that I’m surprised I’m able to post even now! If you haven’t read my report about the first half of Grandma’s Marathon, here it is. — Shortly after…
Time to start posting some of the fabulous things I’ve tried/made lately! This is one of my absolute favorite dishes now. I wasn’t so sure, even as I was cooking it, but it turned out great. I’ve made it again recently, this time using red beets (since the true recipe is supposed to be Scarlet…