Contrary to Popular Belief, I have not died!

It has been a rough month for me.

I don’t even know where to start! We endured two rounds of family emergencies, neither of which were expected. I won’t explain anything further other than to reassure you it had nothing to do with Greta. It’s just private and I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it yet.

My sister flew in from Denver with her adorable two daughters, Sierra (5.5) and Violet (2.5). We were able to celebrate Easter as an entire family, which was SO fun. She spent two full weeks with me, so we spent a lot of time at the YMCA, the library, and parks.

With all three girls in the backseat, you never know what is going to happen 🙂
YMCA open swim. I don’t think Greta is a fan (she screamed upon entering the room!), so I may wait another month or two to re-introduce her to the pool.

The house was filled with giggles, “horsey rides” on grandpa’s back, and a lot of great family time. It was so sad to have them go!

Sierra giving Greta a horsey ride!
Oh, this egg is totally mine.
Easter egg hunt. She clearly raced over to fight other kids for eggs!
Yay for bunny costumes
Grandpa Pete introducing her to water. She liked it!

Coaching has been keeping me very, very busy – to say the least! I had 4 athletes run Boston, so we’re all scheming now on the plan for this fall :). Kristy is racing Pittsburgh tomorrow, and Andrew is conquering Eugene next week. Add to that some new clients, and wow – I’m happily very busy! [I am very full now, so not currently accepting new clients]

This guy has become FAST in the last year. Just ask him. 

I’m planning TNC camp, which I’m super excited about! It’s May 15th-17th. Like last year, we will have 4 workouts (Friday night, Saturday AM, Saturday PM, and Sunday morning), a strength competition, learn dynamic stretching routines, and eat tons of good food (and likely, shenanigans…)! New this year: Jeopardy! There will be multiple running-themed categories. I will also be spending a lot more time on running information: energy systems, nutrition, you name it. Ahh, I am so excited! There are still beds/rooms available, seriously give thought to coming!

I promise, you will leave camp:
1. With a lot of miles under your belt (custom to where you are at in your cycle – we will talk)
2. With a smile because you’ve met some great folks and you know you’ll remain in good contact with them (did I mention our TNC team is close? Yep :))
3. With a greater understanding of running, “the little things”, training in general
4. With a lot of fun memories. We work hard, we relax hard 🙂

Switching gears, there are puppies at the farm! Apparently they taste great.

Yay, puppies!

My running has been, well, interesting. I took time off for family emergencies and then I was hit with a 103.2 degree temp. I was so tired and every single muscle in my body ached! It reminded me how much I hate being sick! Ug.

Since then I’ve been getting out about every other day, but I have realized that I am content to run for fitness now. I have been scared to admit this… since this blog is about my journey to the Trials and trying to get back there…

I don’t know what has changed (well, obviously, a lot, and she is adorable!), but I am so SO happy to be a mom, a coach, and a wife that running has taken a backseat. It’s hard to describe just because everyone that has known me looks at me quizzically when I explain where I’m at. Nichole has never not chased the “next big thing”!

My next big thing IS raising a family, being the best coach I can be, and truly enjoying everyday that I am given. I am so passionate about all of those things, and so thankful to have been given them.

There is something so cool about being so content in life. Life is good :).

Enough sap, right?

Greta! She is the happiest, easiest baby ever!

Last, I leave you with my last two text messages from athletes. I smiled ear to ear. Hope they don’t mind me posting here:

Athlete 1: We need to have a serious talk. Something is wrong with my f’ing body.
Athlete 1: I should NOT be running 5:xx pace at the end of that workout!

I just grinned. I love making people fast 🙂

Athlete 2: I had a major revelation yesterday…
4 miles easy is a warm up and then I only have 22 miles to go.
10 miles at X pace is slower than my best 10 miles by 30 seconds. I have this!
6 miles at X pace is slower than any of my 10k paces. As is 6 miles at (x-5 seconds)! I have this!

Again, huge grin 🙂

All for now – promise not to disappear for that long again!

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