Knee Trouble & a Baptism!

It’s been a challenging week and a half! My knee has been really bothering me :(.

I decided to try to nip it in the butt early and resort to training mainly on the elliptical. It’s now in the middle of our family room so I can watch Netflix and library movies.

I threw out a lot of my old shoes. Some were 2+ years old, not sure how many miles were on them, which used to be fine (I was so efficient and durable!) but I think now I’ve changed bio-mechanically so need some some new shoes. Good thing I had a couple new ones stockpiled!

Today I ran 6 miles for the first time in a while and although it didn’t hurt DURING the run, it’s sore now. *Sigh*

Hard elliptical for me tomorrow. Good thing I am a master at pummeling myself on that!

In other, more positive news, Greta was baptized!

She did great!

We were lucky to have 40 people that love her here to help celebrate. We are honored to be so loved!

We’re also prepping for the Birkie this weekend. It’s a huge weekend for Nate, and it’s always fun to celebrate the weekend with friends and family!

Short post, but figured that was better than nothing!

My mom holding Greta the night before the baptism!

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