Pregnancy: Week 18

Week 18: Starting to show, paces are becoming slower, another solid week of training, and the TNC Training Camp


Another 45-50 mile week!

Mon: 10 miles moderate (supposed to be 9, but went long). I forgot my HR monitor, so was running more blind than usual.

As is typical, I gave myself the option of several workouts: 6 miles easy, 8 miles w/ pick ups, or 9 miles moderate.

I met Craig and our pace quickened after the first mile or two to 8-8:15s. I decided this would be my “moderate run” day and accepted the pace and effort. I was working to hold those paces. Conversation made the miles FLY by, except for the last couple… I literally asked Craig if we were taking the shortest path possible to my house :).

I took my pulse at the end of the run: 188. I was really proud of myself for having pushed to something long and harder (I have this fear that I’m just becoming soft and afraid of longer/sustained effort… a big fear, actually). But BOTH Nate and Craig scolded me afterwards – that’s too high for too long. My max HR is lower now (not sure why? Blood volume? Pregnancy related?), so 188 may be a pretty high % of max for me now.

*Sigh* I know they are right, but I was still so proud for having pushed for that long!

Tue: 9 miles easy with 8×1 minute up-tempo. Did it in the AM while I cheered on Nate and Craig through a 6 mile threshold workout.

Wed: OFF! The legs appreciated it! I spent the day buying a car load of food for the weekend’s camp!

Thur:  8 easy. Then spent the rest of the day prepping food for camp!

Fri: 5 easy up at the cabin for the first day of camp! Weather was great.

Sat: 5 miles in the AM working with an athlete on a HR max test, then 4 in the PM with Craig as he went out to reach that 100 mile/week mark.

We took it SLOW, as even at ~8:50 pace, I was breathing much louder than normal. He recognized it and slowed things down. So great to have him there to reel me back 🙂

Sun: 5 miles w/ 2x1200m with Jimmy in 5:00, 2x1200m with Tina in 6:30, easy back to the cabin.

Jimmy and I post run. Jimmy ran for Jerry in H.S., I ran for Jerry post-collegiately :).

= 46 total w/ a little more uptempo than in weeks previous. I’ll take it!

Life Updates:

Obviously, the TNC camp was a HUGE highlight. I can’t wait to plan and host next year’s event!

Pregnancy Stuff:
My paces have definitely slowed this week. 9 minute miles are most comfortable for me now, and I struggle to maintain anything in the low 8’s. I’ve noticed that on my harder days my breathing is quite loud, and not in the “I’m running a hard tempo workout” loud – more like, I’ve just taken up running and my body doesn’t know how to handle the energy system needs.

I know that now I’m inhaling and exhaling more air now in general, and baby is likely pushing up on my diaphragm now; both are likely culprits.

My feet and calves are constantly SOO warm. A cold washcloth might become a nightly ritual…
[Old wives tales say that this is a sign it’s a girl]

I’m starting to show! Yikes! Oh dear, it’s starting…

I may have to start borrowing Nate’s running shirts shortly…

Mesa can’t help but be part of the action 🙂

I’m still having a bit of heartburn (does this last throughout?), and my dreams have been CRAZY real. As in: I had to call Nate one day to ask him if he had really given me permission to get a puppy. The discussion we had over the idea in the dream was so real, and he had definitely agreed! Except… no.

Glad he didn’t, that would be a disaster :).

122.8 at week 18 (+2.8)

Random keyword searches that brought you to my blog this week:

Busty grandma’s on Pinterest
Old Troup Bean Dip
I so want this PR!

Questions: Anyone else found that around 1/2 way into their pregnancy that paces slipped dramatically?

Also: points for the reader who can be closest to my 5k finish time next weekend at the “Fast and the Furry” 5k. I’ll be running with Mesa, so her pulling will help… how much?

A few data points: 8:00 miles are a little bit of a struggle for me now (keep in mind Mesa knows we are “racing” and pulls like crazy in a race). Also, 22:xx was the second female last year (I was first in 16:58… oh, gosh… wouldn’t that be fun?!?) GOOOOO, Mesa and our Stunt Puppy leash!!!!!

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  1. To answer the first question…yes, paces drop drastically! I was in 7:30s pre pregnancy for a 5k (7:22s actually) and was at 9:30s by week 20.

    Question 2: depends on how rested you will be running it. I'm going to still place you in the #1 spot at 21:20 I, however am battling an Achilles issue and will hobble the 8k hoping for 45:00. Much slower than my second place 40 last year 🙁

  2. I worry about not becoming wimpy too and not being able to push myself hard post-pregnancy, but I swear there is something going on right now that prevents me from pushing hard and taking away the desire to push hard at this time. It is almost too difficult to explain. Maybe it is my subconscious saying I need to be careful, so I don't allow myself to push too hard. Yet at the same time, it is almost as if I physically can't. I'm confident this will return once I am through the pregnancy. I haven't noticed my paces dropping off too much yet, but I am sure it will happen any day now!

  3. I second the "paces drop drastically" comment – yes!! They do!! I ran in the 7s pre pregnancy and I was closer to a 9-min pace about halfway through. At the end I was in the 10s!

    As for the heartburn, I had it in the beginning a bit, then had it go away, then it came back towards the very end of the pregnancy. Here's hoping yours gives you a break soon!!

    Nice job on all the miles and even the up-tempo stuff you are doing – that's fantastic! Don't be afraid to cut back on miles if your body is telling you it needs a bit more cross-training vs. the running. I PROMISE you will come back stronger! I haven't known a single woman of all my running friends that has not returned from pregnancies as a stronger, faster runner! (myself included!) Always nice to hear an update from you and I'm so glad running camp was such a huge success! So jealous that I don't live closer! 🙂

  4. The moment your body realized your pregnant, it's like you get an automatic governor installed. I knew the moment my body knew it because of how I felt while running. Sure enough, three weeks later- positive test!
    For me running was always better in the beginning of the second trimester, but I had slims along the way, some days 7:30 was cake, other days I was struggling in the 8:30s. A lot of it depends on what the baby is doing, and how you carry. This boy I carry low so I can breathe better but I don't have a lot of motion in the hips. I don't think pace matters do much, as long as you are running.

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