Training Update!

This week had been a good week for training!

Mostly because it’s been above 30 degrees for the last three days. SO EXCITING!!!! I’ve skied the last 2 days with Craig, and added a run on top of my ski today (no idea how long, I’m no longer running with a watch). I was wet, muddy, and happy after the run :). It reminded me how much fun training in Spring is 🙂 🙂 :).

I know I’ve had a good week when my legs are pretty SORE and TIRED 🙂 AHH, I love this feeling!
Tomorrow I think I’ll venture out with Craig over his lunch hour for another ski – this time Classic. Oh my… I haven’t classic skied in 3+ years… and it has never been my forte… good thing Craig is patient and a good coach!!!  🙂

Nate makes it look so easy, right?!? Yeah, that’s not reality for us mortals….

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