Gotta know when to fold ’em

I need another day off this week.  Ug, this darn 10-weeks-to-go syndrome I always seem to get!  The legs were NOT moving normally for this evening’s run, though, and I know that sign. 

So – an unscheduled day off!  A little scary, as it always is, but I reminded myself as I was trying to make my run happen this evening that my race won’t be won with number of miles – it’s the quality and speed in them.  At this point I’m strong enough and have enough miles logged on the legs.  An unplanned down week won’t do anything to hurt me in the long run.  I am excited to lay low for a little bit and then come back for another month and a half of hard/speedy weeks before Fargo!

Why do I think this happened?  It’s been about 8 weeks or so of higher mileage with increasingly long intensity (some of those workouts were crazy!).  The last 2 weeks we’ve also added more striders, plyos, and strength, and I think my body will just take time to adapt.  This ol’ body isn’t used to anything fast or explosive!  These things WILL make me faster in the long run, though, so I’m glad I’m adding them now and have time for my body to adapt.  Already I can feel a little difference in my everyday running from them.

Unfortunately, this meant cancelling the FIRST meeting of team TNT this Spring. Sad!  Maybe they’ll still meet without me?

Tonight’s meal was awesome.  A lot of time prepping, but delicious and a lot of leftovers.

Quinoa Tabbuleh:
(Used 1/2 of the olive oil, added dried cilantro)

An abnormally large cucumber.  Guess that’s what I get for shopping at Wal-Mart.
Ate this, plus an additional piece of turkey meatloaf.  Satisfying meal!

Turkey meatloaf recipe:,,10000001559148,00.html

(Thinking awesome thoughts about how great foods/great nutrients will help my legs to recover quicker!)

Thought of the day: The average temp for Northfield, MN for March is 41 degrees. The extended forecast doesn’t show a day in the 40s.  Alas…  (this make me very sad… I cannot wait to train in capris, have the snow melt, and embrace the sun!!)

Question of the day: What can I make with the 1 cup of bulgur wheat I’ve have had sitting around the house for 6 months???

(this in no way shape or form means I will be posting thoughts or questions of the day every day!)

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