Stunt Puppy is taking Mesa and me to Austin

Well, not really…

Leave it to Marcie to come up the COOLEST expression for this picture!

But mostly ๐Ÿ™‚ Just in poster form.

And yes, this is bigger than life-sized. I am more than slightly embarrased! This is the most gigantic picture of myself that I have ever seen (or imagined – or WANT to imagine)!!!

With Ken and his younger Golden. Obviously, the dog is jealous of Mesa :).

Poor people in Austin that have to see this in real-life… I am sorry. ๐Ÿ™‚

But, I can’t help but smile. Mesa looks so FREAKIN’ happy in this picture!!

(I have to re-mention the Stunt Puppy discount code they gave me: MESAMILES for 20% off your online order. Early Holiday shopping – you are welcome! )

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    1. Hahaha – don't even SUGGEST it!

      But wait, you said you needed something to brighten up your basement/TM room, right? I could see if Mesa would be willing to sign it for you ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Mesa looks like the stunt puppy collar is the best thing that ever happened to him. If I had a life-sized cardboard of myself, I would totally take it to my cubicle with me, just to weird out people:)

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