30 days to NYC!
I’m really excited. Just 30 short days! That’s all 🙂
Wow. This has been an incredibly busy week! First, my coaching has been keeping me busy! TNC now has three new members, one from Mexico, one from Alaska (returning member after taking a few months off from coaching during/after pregnancy!), and another from Florida. How fun! It involves a lot of time to look through their data,…
Well, I survived the Birkie — yeah! The first 15k were pretty ugly (my legs felt terrible and didn’t exactly remember how they were supposed to move), but then it was pretty easy. Thank goodness I’m fit and my legs are strong from the running I do. I think I finished 190th or so for…
Training has gone a little better since my last post, so that’s great! I did just two workouts written from Chris this week. We’re specifically taking it easy as I’m not ready to jump into anything defined yet, either physically or mentally. The first workout was a 7.5 miler with a progression HR build. I’ve…
My constant dilemma :). I’m trying to keep my miles fairly high during these winter months. I know if I don’t, my legs will get weak & I won’t be able to ramp up my mileage as quickly in the spring. So, my mileage will vary from 50-85 over the winter, with the bulk of…
Since the marathon, I have raced four times, but have been so busy that I haven’t been able to recap them. Here’s an attempt: Uphill Challenge: I got the chance through work to go out to O.R. (Outdoor Retailer trade show) in Salt Lake City, Utah at the beginning of August. The big event at…
I’m trying to pack two hard, long workouts (one of which has 16 miles at MP or faster… yikes) in before we fly out for vacation Friday morning. It’s crazy – trying to get tied up in work, last minute planning things, etc. Each workout is long enough and hard enough (and will be done…