5k at the U tomorrow morning!
Legs are still a little tired from Wednesday’s 14.5 mile tempo/marathon pace run (well, let’s clarify, only 10 of it was at marathon pace or below), but what the heck, let’s see what they can do!
Capped off a good week today. 73 miles total. Today’s workout was an 18 miler, with the last 8 miles at marathon pace. Uff, these are always the TOUGHEST workouts (physically and mentally) to do. Especially doing them alone, so I whined a little bit (too outwardly) as I was going out the door, and…
First, the absolute BEST news: I WILL BE RUNNING FOR BROOKS AGAIN NEXT YEAR!!!! I am so, so, SO grateful! What an awesome company. Despite the dismal end to my first year with them, I have the opportunity to chase that 2016 Qualifier with the Brooks logo in 2014! I am so thankful to be…
Today was my last “hard” workout (and not even that hard, or long! Eek!): 4x1000m at tempo pace Before Grandma’s I did this exact same workout in 6:07 pace (not sure what happened with that one), then 5:58-5:59 pace. Today I was significantly faster. 5:45-7 into the wind, 5:32-5:37 with the wind. Yikes! Best part?…
Last year at this point I was at my lowest low. I’ve chosen not to remember much of what went on; I’m sure my therapist has something to say about that coping mechanism. Sometimes a story might pop up here or there, but I usually don’t ask for memories – and honestly, my own memory…
During my very slow COLL performance, I had time to think about why I wasn’t performing as I had hoped. One of the things I decided was that from that day on, I needed to make the most out of each and every hard workout in my training schedule. Since Grandma’s, Jerry has had me…
I’ve been nominated to compete for the title of “2014 Greatest Women’s Running Blog“. It’s set up like the NCAA Basketball tournament, so I need to make it past the first round to move on. The only problem with that is that I’m up again Camille Herron’s blog. Nothing like competing against the big dogs!!!…