48-58 miles this week

Ha-zam! I’m just about over that minor re-injury. About time!

Because we were worried about my hip, we cut out all hard work last week. I managed 51.5 miles during the week, all easy. With each day the hip got stronger, so that’s a great sign. I ended the week with a 16 miler — my first “long” run! I can tell I haven’t been running as much (and running is really the only time I’m outside) — I’m pretty red from that long run :). Need to remember sunscreen!

Now, the build-up begins. I am SO greatful to be working with a coach. I probably would have jumped to 65+ if left to myself. Instead, Jerry sent me an outline with the range being between 48-58 with recommendations for each day. We decided together to try for the 58 if all the pain in the hip disappeared. That’s still way lower than I’d like to be, but my main focus now is just continued weeks of mileage — no more ups and downs due to injuries!

Another big help lately is Julie B. dropped off two logs over the weekend. I think I’ve mentioned her before — she made it to the 2000 olympic trials. The logs are SUPER helpful to read through. They follow her through the build-up to Grandmas in 1999 (I think she had her first child the year before, so it’s one of those “train to train” build ups) where she ran a high 2:50 to Chicago that same year where she ran a 2:43. It’s just awesome to see the progression. Reminds me how much I need to focus on consistent weeks, increases in volume/intensity, doing all of the little things right! I’m excited to look through them in more detail to get more info out of them.

Plan for the week:
Monday: 5 miles recovery (Sunday was the long run)
Tuesday: Daniels workout (30 minutes total of 6:05-6:10 pace)
Wednesday: 10 ish
Thurs: off (although — that’s supposed to be Vakava day, so I’m contemplating switching around my days… not sure…
Fri: easy 5-7
Sat: race
Sun: 18

Excited to put in another week injury free!

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