8 weeks to go!

There are 8 weeks and a couple days left to TCM. It’s crazy how fast time goes by! I can tell I’m stronger for this cycle, this week will be my second 80 mile week of this cycle (vs. only one during the entire cycle for Fargo). I’ve held up pretty good, but training at this volume takes up most of my free time. Good thing I enjoy it :).

Just as a recap, here’s what this week looked like:
M: off (gave myself another day off after the 1/2 marathon so I could make sure to hit this week and next week hard)
T: AM: 10 miles total, with 6×800 hard. This was my first VO2 max workout. I’m glad to start this block of training (fast repeats) — the base building cycle made me strong, but hasn’t exactly made me “fast”. PM: 4 miles easy. Total for the day: 14 miles.
Wed: 15 miles at 7:41 pace.
Thursday: AM: 8 miles with 4 striders. PM: Vakava skate rollerski (I’m going to try to take it a little easier there?)
Friday: AM: 4 miles. PM: 11 miles, lift. I haven’t done enough strength work. I’m excited to hit the gym Friday night. I’m such a nerd… most people my age are out celebrating the end of a work week, I’m running and lifting :).
Saturday: 5 miles. That’s it!!! YEAH!! I’ll actually have some time to myself!!
Sunday: 20-21 miles with 10 at the end at Marathon Pace (6:40). This will be a really tough workout. I’m going to try to do it with the skiers, unless there’s someone else that wants to run it with me? Please let me know!! I appreciate training partners (for all or part, it doesn’t matter)!

Fun week, eh? But wait, it can only get better: next week (drum roll, please): 100 MILES. My highest week ever. We’ll see how this goes…

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