Monday Giveaway – Mendota Trail Bottoms 10 mile or 5k Race!

Monday Giveaway – Mendota Trail Bottoms 10 mile or 5k Race!

What a better way to start out the week than with a giveaway, right? Have you been looking for a 5k or 10 mile race distance in Mid-August? August 20th, specifically? Well, well – look no further! The Mendota Bottoms 10 mile and 5k will be held August 20th this year.  I am contemplating doing…

Training: Week 26

Training: Week 26

My first week back post-Grandma’s (and with a plan!) went really well! I was giddily happy to be following a plan again. Here’s a week’s recap for this almost-third trimester mama! Sunday the 10th: 6 miles at night with Nathan and Greta. It was my first run “back” – and boy, did I feel slow!…

Busy! Busy!

Busy! Busy!

During these three down/off weeks, I wasn’t just lying around, despite my best efforts to do so. It’s actually been a little crazy! -Finished a T-shirt quilt for a graduating senior in Northfield I didn’t budget my time wisely and ended up scrambling every night for a week to finally deliver it at 11pm a…