This came to my inbox on Sunday!

I could NOT have been more excited to get an email from Jerry with THIS on Sunday:


I am so thankful to have Jerry continuing to coach me through this pregnancy!!

Yeah, I know I’m 25+ weeks pregnant. I also know that I don’t have racing goals for the foreseeable future, and that I shouldn’t even begin to scheme on running post-delivery yet. There’s still something that just *excites* me about following a plan, and specifically that Jerry is behind those plans! I am so fortunate to have found a coach that I work really well under – and that said coach is willing to put up with me! πŸ™‚

Nate would say that we are probably bad for each other… I love to do a LOT, and Jerry is also a mileage-centric coach. I’d argue the other way, as I think the partnership is perfect. I love and, well, crave the high mileage he dishes out. I overthink workouts and he reminds me to KISS (keep it simple, stupid). He will specifically ignore/not answer my emails when I’m being overly dramatic or asking dumb questions :). Have I mentioned I love this man? πŸ™‚

I can easily talk myself out of a run when:
It’s hot
It’s humid
I could nap instead!

I could have extra time around the house!
Oh yeah, I’m pregnant and not racing for a while
… what other excuse can I find not to run? πŸ™‚

And talk myself out of running, I did! I logged ZERO miles for two of those three weeks. I knew I needed to pester Jerry for a plan.

And – whoila! I’m back on the horse again! Now, seriously, can this heat and humidity let up? I would really, really appreciate it!

Your turn:

Been lazy lately? πŸ™‚

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