Training: Week 30

Week 30 was another light week. The week started off great with a long run and a workout but then went downhill as the mercury and dew points rose — and my motivation waned.

Total miles: 31.1

Monday: 10 miles, 8:51 pace

Tuesday: 9 miles total with 5×1000. I still managed a 4:04 on my last repeat! Nate, Craig, Ryan and I ventured out early to beat the heat – and so we could finish before everyone had to get to work.

It always amazes me that I’m able to recruit people do do workouts with me – much less three others! It makes visiting the track so much more pleasant! Thank you, faithful training partners, for tagging along!!

Wednesday & Thursday: Two days off. Dew points between 74-76 both days. I just don’t think that’s safe to run in while pregnant. Plus, it’s just miserably warm & wet. Yuck.

This came on Wednesday! One of my former athletes sent a care package our way with something for Greta and something for her new sibling. Greta’s reaction when we read the “For the best big sister in Minnesota!” sticky note was priceless!

They each received a shirt and a pair of MATCHING PAJAMAS. It was the first time I had thought about dressing them alike – I promise not to do it often, but I’m definitely excited about the possibilities 🙂

Friday: 6 miles, 8:08 pace. Coaching consult w/ a new TNC client. He’s a 1:59 800m runner, low 16’s 5ker looking to lower his marathon times. I’m excited to be able to help!

I was also surprised to see that I was able to clip along at 8 minute pace for the run together. I was wiped out that evening, but still!

Saturday: 6 miles. My legs were so tired!

We headed up to St. Paul to look at appliances after our run, then walked over to the MN Irish Festival. They were within a quarter mile of each other! Some fun pictures, just because:

Rocking our green for the Irish Festival. Nate technically isn’t Irish, but he showcased his support of us Irish(wo)men anyway 🙂
Irish Greyhounds = Big doggies

They weigh 240 pounds!

Dancing along with the Irish music and dancers
Mini golf

She needs some practice

Sunday: Off.

Didn’t wake up in time to get a run in before a baptism and decided later in the day that I’d rather continue packing away some of our clutter, cooking up a storm (we canned a HUGE batch of salsa and made a big pot of vegetable soup to try to use up some of our abundant vegetable supply!), and cleaning in general.

It was a good choice, it just didn’t do anything for my weekly mileage :). That doesn’t matter right now, anyway, I kept telling myself. Because it doesn’t!

All dressed up for Emma’s baptism! I love this picture 🙂

Total miles for this pregnancy: 1732.4

10 weeks to go! In one way, I wish I could fast-forward time. In another, there is a lot to do in those 70 days, including listing our house and starting to build another 🙂

Your turn:
How have you dealt with the heat and humidity this summer? Have you resorted to indoor training? Running early? Late? 

I’m genuinely interested to know how others have been coping!

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