Ask the Coach!

Now that the new year is approaching and you’re setting your 2015 goals, do you have any questions regarding training, coaching, nutrition, injuries, strength training, etc?

If you have a specific goal in mind for 2015 and want feedback on your current training, you can also comment below with that & I’ll provide my feedback on what I’d write/have you do.
Submit your questions as comments below and I’ll answer 3-4 lucky commenters by the end of the week (chosen at random)!
Happy running!

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  1. HI NICHOLE!!!!!! I've been running about everyday for like 30 minutes or so but i struggle to get any linger. I've been doing my pushups and sit-ups every day tho πŸ™‚ hope all is well
    sincerely greta's favorite sister-belle

  2. I feel its more mental. Idk. it just frustrates me. like i feel like I'm dying but i know I'm not. like today i ran for 36 mi 34 sec and was proud πŸ™‚

  3. I want to break the 3:45 mark for the marathon…what is your best tip to get longer with faster miles? I have a good sub 8 pace for 5 miles, but couldn't hold that for 10…
    How are you feeling? :). Happy New Year!

  4. Is it true that male runners with beards are A. very sexy, and B, naturally faster than non-bearded male runners? I know a guy who would like to know.
    –A real lady

  5. Hi, good. I am a runner. Recently surfing from internet I came through β€œ” from I got some information regarding training, coaching, nutrition, injuries, strength training. Anyway thanks for your consideration.

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