Oh man — lots of work to do

My 3rd “up tempo” workout last night. I decided to try a scaled down version of a the Jack Daniel’s workout of the week.

It was supposed to be 5×5 minutes at tempo, which is around 6:05 pace (when I’m in shape), HR 188-193. So, I thought 3×5 of these at the perceived effort of tempo would be good. Because my 2 mile last week was in 12:30 or so, tempo for me probably isn’t 6:05 yet :).

I did it just fine, but the pace I was going at were REALLY slow to hit my targeted HR zones. 6:20 mile pace for most of the time. Ug. And it didn’t feel “strong, smooth, and just above comfort level” like that 6:05 usually does.

I finished the workout & felt guilty about how little I had done. Really, only 15 minutes of threshold? And 6:20 pace at that? But, you have to start somewhere — and I want to make sure I don’t re-injure anything by coming back too quickly. I’d rather be slow than injured :).

Reminded me how much work I have to do. I have a 5k on Sunday that should be interesting. Goal is sub 20, but in my mind I’m hoping for sub 19:30. Possible on just a handful of runs, no base, and no speed work? We’ll see!!!

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