Better than last week!

Wow, what a difference a week makes! I went to the track yesterday to do another set of mile repeats. Per the suggestion of my coach, I was to up my reps to 4 (vs. 3 last week).

I was dreading the workout because of how last week went. But it actually went really well! My legs felt more rested and stronger, and I felt like I could actually run “hard” (vs. feeling like I couldn’t move last week). Great feeling to have the lungs burn!

Reps were done in 5:38 to 5:40. Lask week I was going by my watch, which is about 5 seconds short of the mile on the track. So to compare apples to apples, last week’s full mile would have been in 5:43-5:47. So, much faster! Yeah!!

I’m super excited to race on Sunday. Hoping for sub 30 for the 8K – is that too quick of a goal (PR is currently 30:29)?? 🙂 Maybe, considering the mileage I’ll put in before Sunday (15 today) — but at least going to try!

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