Move – a success!

Yeah, we’re “moved in” to our new home (or should I say new rental property, since that’s what it currently is??)!! How nice — the movers packed everything, loaded it, and then put everything into the new house into the right room. I can’t imagine how long it would have taken to do this ourselves. 1.5 weeks? I can see why people wouldn’t want to move very often :).

I was pretty sad to leave our house in Eagan since it was our first house and we had poured so much time/energy into fixing it up and remodeling it. There were so many memories in that house. Plus, it just fit us so well!! I teared up a bit (or more than a bit…) when I left…

But, once we started moving our stuff into the new house, I felt a lot better. The new house is absolutely gorgeous. I kept saying “unbelievable” as I walked through the first night. Everything is quality!! It’s much more than we need, and may ever need, but it’ll be a great place to grow into over the next several years. I think it’ll be really fun to explore what it’s like to live in a small town. I already found that they keep the track at the high school unlocked (yeah!) and that it’s only a 1 mile run over to it. Nate and I also found a really gorgeous bike trail along Flower Valley Trail — what gorgeous terrain around here!!!! We found a good 1 mile gradual hill (steeper the second half) that we’re planning to do double pole/V2 repeats on. Plus, the leaves are changing; the views are really stunning.

The only bad part about moving has been the constant movement/being on my feet so long each day. NOT GOOD. Today I’m planning to stay at work until late just so I’m off my feet. I’ve been absolutely exhausted the last 3 nights because of the move. Yesterday’s run reflected that — I tried to pick it up to marathon pace (or marathon effort), but that effort was only a 6:55 mile pace. I was hoping that 6:35-6:40 was going to feel easy. Hopefully resting all day today and tomorrow will help the legs come around. The lungs feel great, running is pretty effortless now which is fun :). I just feel bad sitting around, there are so many boxes to unpack!!

As far as goals, I think I’m still going to try for the 2:53. If I don’t try, I won’t get there. But, I’m running more on feel than trying to pace myself exactly — which may be a really good thing since most of my all-time PRs have been run on days where I’ve just run based on feel. I’ve started my somewhat physco carbo load regime from my previous marathon (ONLY carbs for 3 days). Nothing like plain pasta and plain bagels to satisfy you! 🙂 I’m trying to give myself any advantage I can. My weight is where it should be — strong but on the lighter side, the weather’s supposed to be GREAT, and I’m mentally prepared to hurt pretty bad during the race — the combination of all these things *should* make for a great day! I just need to SIT and rest for the next two days :).

Better get back to work :). Send your positive thoughts my way, this will probably be my last entry until after the race!!!!!

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