Let the mileage begin!
As promised, this blog will be much happier and positive than the last…
I’m starting to ramp up my mileage now. So far, so good. My mileage weeks have stepped up a little quickly:
Week 1: 48 (with a few hours of skiing)
Week 2: 65
Week 3 (this week): 80
I’m just starting to feel “strong” from the mileage, which is a fun feeling. Today’s workout was 11 miles with 5 at 6:27 pace. It went well — although I did have one weak moment where I let myself stop (WHY do I do that?!?). The rest of the week is pretty mileage-loaded:
Wednesday: 15
Thursday: 4 w/ Vakava skiing
Friday: 13
Saturday: 6 easy, recovery
Sunday: 20 w/ 9 at Marathon Pace (ouch…)
Uff-da! But, I have a good feeling about this week. I think the only challenge will be finding the time to do all of this on top of work, commute, keeping up the house for showings, etc., etc. 🙂
So darn CUTE!
The puppy is nice too 😉
We'll see how much of this I can do with you to whip me into shape!