Mooove over Chicago, I have dreams to achieve!

Time for an update!

Nate’s poster! Very encouraging, right?

Let’s start with the beginning of the week. It wasn’t very pretty. Monday’s 6 mile run felt good to start but by mile 5, my legs became clumsy and I was really straining to keep moving. What?!? I thought ahead to the marathon… gosh, there’s NO way! I can hardly make my legs turn over now, much less at mile 24!

Tuesday’s 6 miles in the morning felt almost the same way. Not quite as ugly, but not nearly what 6 miles should be. So, I opted out of the PM’s optional 4 mile run. I would never do this… so you know the last two days weren’t good.

Wednesday I had company for my 2 mile @ GMP. Pat came, even though I wasn’t dire for a pacer (vs. those 6-8 mile tempo workouts of the past!) – mostly just to have that one last “huh-rah!” workout with me :). So awesome. Craig and Anders were also there. What did I finish my 2 miles in 12:26 (Per Pat, I didn’t run with a watch so I could internalize the pace). I told him he pressed stop a few tenths of a second too slow – that really we came in at 12:25.8 (6:12.9 is the standard’s mile pace). :). Although perfectly paced (I can not BELIEVE how my internal clock has somehow learned this pace, despite doing so little training at it!)

Pat and I talked about my legs and we agreed that it didn’t matter. All it takes is one day.

I decided to take Thursday completely off. It wasn’t scheduled (although, I usually take the Thur or Fri off before a marathon – so the fact that there wasn’t one scheduled was a new change anyway.

I went in to see Jim for one last adjustment and for him to work on that hip muscle that is oh-so-bugging me. I also went in for one last massage at Willow Creek to try to loosen the hips and increase blood flow to the legs.

So – fast forward to Friday, 2 days before the race. Nate and I made it to Chicago thanks to a ride to the airport from a friend and a quick Spirit Airlines flight. I was actually impressed with the airline (haven’t flown them before), although Nate lamented the lack of leg room :). Obviously, not something that is even on my radar. Ha.

Rocking the CW-X compression on the flight! Oh, and a few other Brooks things as well 🙂

Friday was a short 30 min run with 4 striders. I felt like flying. YES! Hip was actually as good as it’s been.  Still some pain with each stride, but I was actually able to forget about it for most of the run.  THANK YOU, GENIUS JIM! Hopefully the leg clumsiness (which I know comes on after 30 minutes…) has left the legs! I can tell they have an enormous amount of energy built up in them. I had a hard time falling asleep last night because of them!

Friday afternoon was filled with the Expo and catching up with the mother- and sister-in-law who are both out here cheering for me (awesome).

On the Chicago bus down to the expo. Yes, this is the same outfit I flew in. Don’t judge 🙂
The expo. I got goosebumps when entering!
Nate, his mom,and sister. Planning their attack for Friday. So studious looking!

I’m bib #186 in case you want to sign up for runner tracking!

Now, the rest of my cheer crew herd is about to arrive at the apartment. How fun :). They’re trecking from Northfield and Red Wing, complete with 6 BIKES and more than a few awesome cow costumes for cheering.

I’ve been asked the significance of the cow costumes. Here’s the (not-so-short) story.

Jessica, my sister-in-law has cheered for the last 5 Birkiebiners (ski marathon) in the suit. There are a ton of cow-bells on the course, but no cows! Obviously, the course needs some cow cheerleaders.

THEN, the in-laws found a cow suit for Mesa. So I decided to cheer with Mesa at the Birkie Trail Marathon. We were a hit.

And THEN, since I was a little stressed about the whole Chicago-thing, when friends proposed cheering for Chicago, on bikes, in COW costumes, I immediately knew that’s what I needed to lighten the mood.

And, so – the rest will be history. Because  honestly, even if I’m hurting REALLY bad at mile 24, I can’t slow down. After all, I made all of these people drive to, and bike all around Chicago. And in cow suits, nonetheless! Plus, I love that it just brings more laughs and embodies everything non-pressure and fun that I could possibly ask for :).

I trust that my legs are ready, and my heart is ready to push through any of that pain that might get in my way of a OTQ time. I’m ready to lay it all out there on the line. If it’s there, I intend to grab it :). Mooove over Chicago, I have dreams to achieve :).

Nate’s Friday night meal from Five Guys. Wow, that looks so great… I meanwhile, had oatmeal, bagels, and strawberry jam. Yummmm, carbs!

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  1. My husband would so be eating the burger and I the healthy foods.

    I'm glad you clarified the cow costume thing; I was a little confused by that.

    Wishing you all the best for a speedy race on Sunday!! Go get 'em!!

  2. hahahaa, oh my, I LOVE the cow costumes. It is so awesome to have such a great cheer squad with you on the course. That will give you the extra oomph when you go through those rough patches. You are going to be awesome and I can't wait to see your results of all of your hard work. I am all signed up for runner tracking so know that you have fans here in AZ cheering you on! Go get it girl!!! XO

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