GIVEAWAY: Stillwater Lift Bridge and Log Run Races!

I’ve always been a huge fan of the Stillwater races.

This Spring I had three of my athletes racing the Stillwater 1/2 marathon. Perhaps you saw Craig’s overall win photo?

NBD, a 1:14 win (solo) in marathon-training mode!

Last year I raced the Log Run 10 mile along with two other athletes. That 10 mile is one of my favorite races of all-time, mostly because it’s wicked downhill and I am a good downhill runner :). Someday I’m going to break 60:00 in the 10 mile, and I know it’ll happen at the Log Run!

With K & R post 2013 Log Run race! It was a fun day πŸ™‚

Well, readers, it’s your lucky day! Thanks to a generous offer from Renewal by Andersen, I’m able to offer a couple of entries to either the Lift Bridge races or the Log Run races! How awesome is that?!?

Nate and I are hoping to be there on July 12th for the 5k (need to re-arrange a prior engagement, hoping SS can be creative?!?) – it would be great to see as many familiar faces there as possible!

Without further ado:

The giveaway!

2 lucky commenters below will win entry into the Stillwater race of their choice (either Lift Bridge races: 5k or 10 mile, or Log Run races: 5k or 10 mile). So if you’d like a FREE entry into either race, just comment below with which race you are interested in doing!

Easy as that!

Winners will be selected July 5th. Please provide a method of contacting you in your comment below!

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  1. I've been wanting to smash my current PR in the 10k and I'd love a reason to go to Stillwater. Consider this comment a contender! amy@scenicspaces,com

  2. I would love to race the Stillwater Log Run 10mi this fall … it would be a great taper race for the Madison marathon for me! (Excited that I saw this race on your blog because I am unable to do TC 10 this year). #TNC [email protected]

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