Motivation Monday – Sharon’s PR!

I convinced Sharon, one of TNC Endurance’s out-of-state athletes, to race a 3k on the track this winter. She just needed to switch things up, and what better way than to enter a collegiate indoor track race, right? 

She’s training for Boston, so you can imagine how fast a 3k would feel on marathon legs.

Her previous PR was an 11:48. Mind you, this was run in college, when she was actually training for something short and fast. So – we both knew we had our work cut out for us.

But, I’m super proud to say that she DEMOLISHED that PR, finishing in 11:28. A whopping 20 second PR! WOOT, WOOT! I’m so proud of her & the fact that we’ve been able to fine tune her training to have her running really well right now!!

If you’re looking for a fun blog post about it, take a look at her race recap. It’s very motivating and inspiring to hear her excitement! Blog post here.

Some of the individuals she met while visiting in MN were up at the cabin with us this weekend, so I was able to give them the great news. We decided to take a picture to send her to congratulate her!

Our virtual congratulatory high five!

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