Training: Week 26

Training: Week 26

My first week back post-Grandma’s (and with a plan!) went really well! I was giddily happy to be following a plan again. Here’s a week’s recap for this almost-third trimester mama! Sunday the 10th: 6 miles at night with Nathan and Greta. It was my first run “back” – and boy, did I feel slow!…

10 Months Sober Yesterday – Lots of Ups, One Unexpected Down

10 Months Sober Yesterday – Lots of Ups, One Unexpected Down

In one way, 10 months is a long time! It seems like a lifetime ago that I entered treatment at Beauterre. For the short story version of what led me there, read this post. Beautiful facility On the other hand, I  still can’t believe I was in the choking grip of alcoholism/addiction/severe depression/suicidal ideation/psych wards/detox…