Pregnancy weeks 32-34

The last three weeks of pregnancy: Ab Ripper X, a 5k “race”, and a lot of house projects/baby room prep!


Ab Ripper X, anyone?

About every 3-4 days, I swear I go through Tony Horton’s Ab Ripper X routine. Except, instead of strengthening my core, I’m tearing it apart.
It’s not terribly painful, unless an entire section of my abs “rip” at once. That has only happened once – it took my breath away – and left me with one section of my stomach that protruded out farther than the rest…. so weird!! The rest of the times have just been frequent minor “pings” in all different sections of my abdominals while on a run. I imagine a violin string being tightened too far & just snapping.
Usually it just happens while running or walking. Not sure why that is…. perhaps there is more strain on my abs during those activities. 
Although I’m sad to have my abs literally “rip” to accommodate a growing baby (I worked so hard to develop them!!!), I know it just means that baby is growing – so that makes it all worth it :). (right?!)

Other pregnancy symptoms:

I can tell my joints are starting to loosen up. The muscles/tendons/joints around my pelvis will sometimes will twist in a way they shouldn’t be able to and I’m immediately alerted with a sharp pain. After my run today I noticed a little pain where my left leg inserts into the hip joint – again, I’m assuming due to my joints relaxing to accommodate birth.

32 weeks

There was a scare Sunday evening that warranted a call to the on-call doctor and for us to move the “hospital bag” downstairs. I’ll spare you details. But, it did remind me that it’s getting real. Yikes!

33 weeks
Other than that, there hasn’t been a lot of the pregnancy front. I am measuring right on par (although I feel HUGE) and everything seems to be progressing as normal. Weight gain at my 34 week appointment was 18 pounds, which surprised me. I haven’t been weighing myself at home for a couple of months, and I would have guessed much more. I have noticed that I require a little more sleep than normal, which I was warned about in the last month and a half.

GAC Alumni 5k!

This race is always a highlight. It’s grown each year as more and more alumni make it a priority to come down to campus to run and/or compete.

I’ve always tried to recruit more Alumni women to compete, but without as much luck as the men’s team. I preached that the meet is all about participation, not speed (well, for Alumni), but that didn’t mean much coming from me when I’d come specifically looking to race. For some reason, women have a hard time coming to run/race when they aren’t in top shape, they’ve been faster, etc.

I have never believed in that mentality, and those that know me know that’s true!

I swore that I’d run the race no matter my speed, and this was my year to prove I meant it. I had a blast! I ran/walked the 5k, making sure that I didn’t overheat because it was fairly hot and humid out. I thought I’d be dead-last (going from winning by 45 seconds last year to dead-last this year!), but turns out I was able to beat two other collegiate women. I’ll take it! I finished in 29:04 – still in the sub-30 club at 7.5 months pregnant!

I had to wear one of Nate’s large Gustavus XC shirts since none of mine fit 🙂

Baby’s room coming together!

For not having a color or decor theme, and for finding all of the furniture on Craigslist for super cheap, the room has come together really well! I love it!

Artwork from my parents. The middle says, “First we had each other, Then we had you, Now we have Everything”. It fits the room – and our utter excitement for this little one – perfectly 🙂 

Dresser (with matching end table): $25 on CL. Rocking chair: $15. A MEB signed NYC marathon race bag = priceless 🙂
Bassinet that Nate slept in as a baby

Other fun updates:

TNC athletes have been tearing up the late summer racing scene. Rael proved she’s made tremendous progress despite hamstring trouble this summer and ran a 3 second PR at Northfield’s Jesse James Days 5k!

Craig tore up the Endurance United 1/2 marathon, wining by 9 minutes. It wasn’t even a contest :).

Craig cruising to the overall win. *Photo credits: Bruce Adelsman,

Lastly, a HUGE shout-out to Jeff who finished his first 100 mile ultra. Can you say WOW? Don’t let his looks or goofy demeanor (or random squawking) fool you – he is one TOUGH competitor and I’m really proud to have him on the team and have watched him achieve so much this year!

Who wouldn’t want to run 100 miles with this scenery? Ask Jeff what else he saw here – oh the fun hallucinations that happen in ultras… *Photo credits: Ian Corless

Jeff. He looks like he is having run, right?!? *Photo credits: Ian Corless

A couple more house projects:
Two more large projects, hopefully before baby comes: landscaping out front and entertainment system “stuff” (I have no idea what any of it actually is…) downstairs!

We’re Nate is doing some of the excavating ourselves before the landscaping project starts to try to save a little money. 


Stunt Puppy is perhaps the *coolest* company/sponsor. Look at what they sent for baby!!!

I am so lucky. Seriously.

That’s all for now folks. Stay tuned for a some “Baby Olympics” shower pictures in my next post! Until then, Run Happy!!

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